Unable to initialize oracle.bi.security.service.SecurityServiceBean - OBIEE GURU

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Monday, 3 November 2014

Unable to initialize oracle.bi.security.service.SecurityServiceBean

    Issues :- Y ’day I have encounter one of the un regular issue while starting the OBIEE services. It able to access the analytics page but while login into the application and it throws access denied for the user.
    Below is the error for command window of OBIEE.
       at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:178)
    <Nov 3, 2014 8:24:44 AM CET> <Error> <oracle.bi.security.service> <OBI-SEC-00004> <Unable to initialize oracle.bi.security.service.SecurityServiceBean>
    <Nov 3, 2014 8:24:44 AM CET> <Warning> <oracle.j2ee.ws.common.jaxws.JAXWSMessages> <BEA-000000> <Exception while executing the business logic: oracle.bi.security.servic
    rityService::validateSystemUserPermissionGrantsSystem user has not been granted required permission oracle.bi.server.impersonateUser>

    Steps to resolve the issue :- Login to EM and navigate to application policies of BI system user and check the role have the policy of BI oracle.bi.server.impersonateUser and check the permission action and action should be _all_.

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    1. Hi Arjun,
      i am facing the same issue and tried your solution "BI system user and check the role have the policy of BI oracle.bi.server.impersonateUser and check the permission action and action should be _all_."

      everything is fine but i am facing the issue.
      please help


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